The Neighbors Series

originally exhibited as “the untitled series” in 2022

two neighbors meeting, learning, moving

Senior Exhibition April 4 - May 26, 2022
University of North Alabama
Department of Visual Arts and Design


two neighbors meet for the first time unknown to each other, they share
similar interests and lives

“Do they help you feel less lonely?
(I once read that was true.)”

invited to each other’s apartments,
the two try to connect,
though the first attempt is made with little tact
the sunlight merely highlights the scalding remark

“Do they make you
feel like you have friends?
(Or do they help you escape?)”

the response is given venom, in retaliation
but there are signs of progress,
she sits comfortably in the space,
bathed in the moon’s light


hair has grown longer,
a window is once again opened,
the two are moving in together now,
they bring a few old things,
but most of the space is left for new